You Can Make a Difference-Join Trout Unlimited Canada and our project partners in Phase 2 of the Hanlon Creek Weir Removal Project. We need to raise $10,000 by July 31, 2019, so the weir can be removed in September of this year.
So what’s the problem? Hanlon Creek is a coldwater Brook Trout stream with its headwaters rising within the City of Guelph. The Hanlon Creek weir is a barrier to fish passage. The weir interferes with sediment transport and causes upstream ponding with an increased surface area that warms in the sun. This warming of the creek has negative impacts on water quality and Brook Trout, which require cool clear waters below 22°C.
So what are we going to do about it? Find out how our team plans to resolve this issue and how you can help!
There are two great Draw prizes you could win. For every $25 you donate, a ballot will be entered into a draw to win either a French River Guided Boat Tour in the French River Provincial Park or a stunning limited-edition print entitled “Autumn Cascades“, by Mary-Dawn Roberts.
Learn more about the project or make a donation. You can also be a big help by sharing the campaign on your social media and letting your friends know!
Check out this amazing video and you’ll see why Brook Trout matter
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Alex Meeker Ontario Biologist Trout Unlimited Canada 519-763-0888