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Writer's pictureFreshwater Conservation Canada

Alberta Conservation Association Supports Yellow Fish Road

Alberta Conservation Association Supports Yellow Fish Road-The Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) has provided support for Trout Unlimited Canada’s Yellow Fish Road program at a provincial level since 2014.

Trout Unlimited Canada’s Yellow Fish Road program meets the mission and priorities of the ACA through its stewardship initiatives;

  1. The retention, recruitment and education of anglers

  2. Outdoor conservation education

The Yellow Fish Road program includes education on the stewardship of water in our cities through improved management of storm water. This includes responsible chemical use (the three R’s: right place, right time and right amount) and natural alternatives to chemical yard treatments;

  1. The efficient use and protection of surface water by slowing the flow of water through the use of rain barrels, porous pavement, water-wise plants, mulch and settling, filtering with native and diverse plantings, bioswales (landscape elements designed to concentrate or remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water), rain gardens, and wetlands.

  2. The protection of our waterways by offering storm drain painting projects

  3. Improving water quality by working with committees and working groups to manage storm water pollution.

Yellow Fish Road generates an awareness of the recreational fishing opportunities available to Albertans by incorporating fish and their needs into the program and ensuring youth understand the value of water to fish, wildlife and humans. The outdoor education aspect of Yellow Fish Road, storm drain painting activity, engages youth in a field trip within their community to explore the path of their waterways and to better understand the journey of water and how actions on land impact the health of our waters.

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