The Northern Lights Fly Tyers Trout Unlimited Edmonton Chapter has been awarded a Canadian Recreational Fisheries Award recognizing the chapter’s ongoing contribution to protecting recreational fisheries through their promotion of fly fishing and tying, Casting for Life, Healing Waters along with their tireless efforts to conserve Arctic grayling.
Here is a segment from a letter sent to outgoing chapter president Ken Monk from the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans;
“I am pleased to inform you that the Northern Lights Flytyers – Trout Unlimited Edmonton has been selected to receive one of Canada’s Recreational Fisheries Awards for the year 2013. This award recognizes your organization’s outstanding contribution to promoting the interests of recreational fishing in Alberta and the superb example you have set for others working to improve recreational fisheries.
The Northern Lights Fly Tyers -Trout Unlimited Edmonton are being recognized for their excellent record of supporting conservation of Alberta’s fisheries and recreational angling. Your group’s volunteer involvement through the promotion of fly tying and fly fishing, especially to youth, and your contributions to “Casting for Life” and “Healing Waters” are impressive. Finally, the Northern Lights Fly Tyers work on Arctic grayling populations will help to ensure that recreational fisheries in Alberta are sustainable for future generations. Department officials will be organizing an Awards ceremony to be held in your local area. You will be contacted at a later date to make suitable arrangements for the participation of representatives of your organization.
Please accept my sincere congratulations on this significant achievement.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Ashfield ”
In addition to this well-deserved award the Chapter also recently received a $14000 grant from the Alberta Conservation Association to continue the Arctic grayling project on the upper Pembina.